Draft Separation Agreement Alberta

Draft Separation Agreement Alberta: Everything You Need to Know

Going through a separation or divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences anyone can face. It can be overwhelming trying to cope with the emotional turmoil while also dealing with the practical issues that arise, especially if children are involved. However, creating a separation agreement can help make this process a little smoother.

In Alberta, a separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of separation. It covers matters such as child custody and access, spousal and child support, and the division of assets and debts. Drafting a separation agreement is a wise step to ensure that the rights and interests of both parties are protected.

Here is everything you need to know about draft separation agreements in Alberta:

Legal Requirements

A separation agreement is a legally binding document in Alberta, provided that it meets certain legal requirements. One of the essential requirements of a separation document is that both parties must sign it voluntarily. The agreement should also be in writing, be clear and concise, and not be made under duress.

Another vital aspect of a separation agreement is that each party should have independent legal advice. This means that each party should have their own lawyer who will review the agreement`s terms and ensure that their client`s interests are protected.


The separation agreement should be comprehensive and include all the relevant matters that need to be addressed upon separation. This includes:

1. Child Custody and Access

The agreement should specify who will have custody of the children and detail the visitation schedule for the parent who does not have physical custody.

2. Child Support

The separation agreement should also address child support, which is important for ensuring that both parties contribute financially to their children`s upbringing.

3. Spousal Support

If one party is financially dependent on the other, the agreement should address spousal support. The amount and duration of spousal support should be agreed upon in advance.

4. Division of Property and Debt

The separation agreement should outline how the property and debt will be divided. This includes any real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal property.


It`s crucial to note that a separation agreement is legally binding only if it meets the legal requirements outlined above. If one party violates the agreement, the other party can bring legal action to enforce the agreement.

In Conclusion

Going through a separation or divorce is challenging. However, drafting a separation agreement can make the process smoother. A separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of separation, including matters such as child custody and access, spousal and child support, and the division of assets and debts. Hiring a lawyer to help draft the agreement and ensure its legal compliance is highly recommended.

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