Better Than Building A PC Yourself: Discover The Best Way To Get The PC Of Your Dreams. (Not What You Think)

You’ve probably heard a lot of people tell you that building a PC yourself is the way to go. That’s for people who have time to load up on PC knowledge, put it together, and have 100% trust in parts arriving undamaged during shipping (Shipping is the #1 cause of damages to PC parts by the way).

Now if you’re like me, I’d much rather just have a PC that can do what I need it to do without spending unnecessary time and effort in learning PC stuff. So what do you do? Do you just walk into the Big Box Store and get a pre-built off the shelf? Only if you want to spend money for absolute JUNK. There’s a better way.

Why you shouldn’t buy a computer from a Big Box store (Retail stores).

I’m here to tell you that getting a gaming PC from a retail store is a bad idea. For multiple reasons (that I have personally experienced) getting a PC from a retail in general is a bad idea and here’s why:

Faulty Parts

Most of the pre-built gaming PCs that you see on the shelf in big box stores are supplied for the masses. Meaning that they are filled with parts that are cookie-cutter as a “one-size fits all” approach. Most times the cheapest part that tends to have the most problems is the power supply.

Since it is the most overlooked part in PCs, companies give the bare minimum for the cheapest price they can find — which usually means that the power supply every once in a while comes faulty and (on rare cases) can even burn out other components like your GPU, Processor, etc.

Not Tested

The PCs that you see on the line of the shelves are not tested like a custom built PC would.

These huge companies need to fulfill demand as fast as possible for people who want to buy a gaming PC asap. By keeping up with the demand, their testing is brief and fundamental, but can overlook a LOT of things that can determine the performance and the lifespan of the PC.

Older Parts Marked At New Part Prices

The next time that you are looking around at PCs, check the way they showcase the parts. Most times they simply give you a vague title like “AMD” or “Intel i7” or “Nvidia Graphics”

The problem with this is that, those parts that they are claiming can be years old and marked at a NEW price. — Quite literally paying for junk.

For the Intel i7 example, as of writing this article, intel has gone through 14 entire generations of i7 Processors. Now if you can imagine, a 3rd gen i7 from 2012 is NO WHERE AS NEAR AS POWERFUL as a 14th gen intel i7.

So do not get suckered by the gaming PCs you see on store shelves when they make claims with stickers saying “i7” or “Nvidia GTX”… You might just be paying double the cost for an old PC.

Unreliable Warranty

If you like to sit on hold on the phone for 2 hours just to be told that “technically” the damage or issue is not claimed under the warranty terms… then by all means buy a PC from a retail store.

The warranties that you find on Big Box Store PCs are extensive right out of the box, typically 2-3 years. But what good is a warranty if there needs to be a hyper-specific situation in order to insure your PC for repair or replacement? You’d actually have a better time acting as if the PC didn’t come with a warranty!

PLUS, why would you want to add an extra year warranty from the store ON TOP of the manufacturer’s for another $100 if it’s not even going to WORK.

Unsupportive Tech Support

You and I have been here before and it is not going to change with these big box companies. Sitting on the phone for 2 hours, dealing with someone (if it is an actual person these days. Most times you’re dealing with a robot on the other line) arguing over how YOUR at fault for the damage and there is nothing that they can do to help you and repair/replace your computer. It. Just. Sucks.


Just to put some salt on the wound with these store-bought PCs… you cannot upgrade most of the components (nor is it worth it).


You’d be better off buying a whole new system every 3-4 years just like the PlayStation and Xbox consoles. But the reason why people switch to PC in the first place is to GET AWAY from having to buy a new console every few years. These Store-bought PCs are no different than the consoles sitting next to them on the shelf.

The Problem with Online Custom PC Stores

Now you know that Store-bought Gaming PCs are out of the picture… what about online custom builders? They build some good PCs right? — Yes, but only if you know the PC technical mumbo jumbo and only like “surface-level” customization. Let me explain.

Surface-level Personalization

The only thing “Custom” in these online PC stores is the arrangement of parts that you can fit into your build. — that is, if you know the technical PC jargon, what each part does, and which one’s are the best for you.

These online custom PC builders only really do 1 thing → Put together the specific parts that you pick out. That’s it.

If you want it programmed to have everything you want right out of the box… they can’t do that.

You’ll have to download and customize everything yourself, likely to spend hours and hours setting things up, changing colors, etc. etc.

No Personal Guidance

Online, it is all click, check, and order. There is no real guide to talk to and get the best opinion for a PC that fits your needs, what you like and don’t like, or how to easily transition from a console to a PC.

This can be a big hurdle for you if you are just getting into PC gaming. Simply because, there is really no roadmap or guide for you to follow in order to know you’re getting the PC you need.

Tech Knowledge Required

As mentioned before, you’ll need a certain level of technical expertise to know what part does what, which generation of parts are better, if it’s worth getting the best of the best, etc. etc. etc.

you can easily get sucked into 5 hours of YouTube videos explaining the PC parts, and still come out the other side with even more questions than you had when you started.

If you know the technical knowledge and know what you are looking for and don’t want a personal tech expert to build you a PC of your dreams, than this might do you for now. But there is a LOT of food on the table that you’’ll miss out on. I explain in the “How To ACTUALLY Get The PC You Need” section of this article.


Picture this: After finally learning just enough about PCs from the 5+ hours of YouTube Videos, you’re super excited and order a custom PC from the online custom shop.

A few weeks go by… nothing show’s up to the doorstep yet…. you’re waiting…

Then one morning you get the box in front of your door…

Open it up, plug it in, press the power button and……

Nothing happens.

You open it up and see that during shipping, everything was ROCKED and the graphics card is breaking away from the motherboard, there’s fragments of plastic rolling around the bottom of the case.

A nightmare.

Then you realize “oh yeah i can call them and get a replacement!”

You call the support line and explain your situation.

They send a pdf of a sticker to slap on the box after you pack it all up again,

you pay for shipping it back to them.

you wait 2 more weeks.

They finally recieve it.

You wait ANOTHER 2 Weeks…

And I can go on and on and on….

We just want to play. To have a PC that is ready at our desk too just turn on and have a great time. Doing Shipping “Marco-polo” kills the excitement for everybody.

How To ACTUALLY Get The PC You Need

“Ok, so don’t get a PC from the store… don’t get a custom one online… WHERE DO I GET A GOOD ONE??” — Local PC Builders: The easiest, most personalized, guided, PC building experience you’ll ever find.

Local PC Builders

local PC builders are basically the best features from all other options combined into one.

Imagine that one tech friend that you always turn to for advice or help you fix your tech problems. That is exactly what a Local Builder is.

You’ll get all the benefits of a FULLY-custom PC, warranty, AND personal guidance. The best that I have seen so far is Steve’s Computer Repair.

Steve’s Computer Repair

If you want the most personalized computer right out of the box:

  • Your favorite games downloaded & ready to play
  • Programs and icons are EXACTLY how you would want them — quick, fast, and easy
  • Unwavering confidence that your PC was built exactly for your needs
  • A Custom PC that is upgradable and will last you 6+ years
  • Personal guidance and walkthrough to set up your PC for the perfect gaming experience

This is where you’ll find it. PLUS a 1-year warranty on parts and labor that ACTUALLY covers your PC.

Personal Walkthrough

Steve and his team will personally sit down with you, in person or on call, and listen to what you want the PC to be able to do and how much you are willing to spend.

They will guide you through the process and the specific parts that they can install that will deliver on your needs without ever talking over your head with the geeky tech stuff.

You’ll know exactly what you are getting, exactly the way you envisioned it, exactly how you want it.

You’ll have regular updates on the build as they are building it.

No PC Knowledge Needed

They handle all of the technical mumbo jumbo as you can sit back and relax, doing other things during the week.

They’ll answer any and all of your questions in easy-to-understand-non-geek terms that even your dog could get it.

If you do have PC knowledge and want to talk in “nerd-speak”, they are more than happy to oblige in a technical conversation too.

Built All The Way Down To The Icons On The Desktop

Steve and his team go deeper than just the parts in the computer. They can also set up everything to be ready right out of the box:

  • Games pre-downloaded
  • Wallpapers
  • Overclocking parts (Squeeze the most performance out of your PC)
  • Decals and stickers
  • RGB light settings…
  • and much more!

Anything that you could do personally to your computer, they can do for you as well during the building process.

Endless Choices In Design

Since Steve and his shop is not directly partnered under contract with any of the big PC producers, he can build you a PC with any part available on the market.

Any case, any color, any graphics card, processor… if you can dream it, he can build it.

It does not get any more personalized than this.

Personally Tailored To Your Needs

They will PERSONALLY advise you to not spend your money on parts that you do not need.

If you are just gaming on the weekends, you don’t need 64 GB of RAM or an Nvidia RTX 4090 just to play Minecraft, Fortnite, or most games.


Within Driving Distance — No Shipping Damage

If you live in or near San Antonio TX, you have a killer opportunity.

Steve and his shop is only locally placed on I-35 in San Antonio and he REFUSES to ship out computers (purely because he does not want your precious PC to come damaged. He’s had to deal with that a lot over the years from getting computers from online.)

But if you can make the trip to his shop, it is well worth over anything else you can find in San Antonio.

Built By Experts That Understand Your Needs

Steve and his team are computer experts that not ONLY build computers, but repair them too.

They see your needs and your dream PC eye-to-eye and you’ll feel it as soon as you walk in through the door.

Most other builders only want the sale and push with specials, discounts, etc… while Steve simply wants to give each person that walks into his shop a tailored PC building experience that will exceed their expectations for years to come.

1 Year Warranty On Parts And Labor

The warranty that Steve gives on his custom PCs is like no other. Sure it is for 1 year, and you see that a lot these days… but the difference is, he holds up to it.

If something happens, EVEN if it is an accident on your end, he will honor it.

You’ll ACTUALLY be secured while others try and weave around the warranty like snakes.

Pay less up front with Personalized Financing

Getting a PC made is a worthwhile investment… but the upfront cost can scare most people. Thankfully Steve provides basic financing for your build.

His only requirement — If you can pay off the PC in 60 days, then you’re good.

No crazy contracts, no sleezy sales.

This is unheard of and a rarity. Quite literally a gem in the middle of a desert.


If you are in San Antonio and thinking about getting a custom made PC, then Steve’s Computer Repair can deliver a tailored experience that beats out any other option. I personally wish that I had known about Steve before I spent countless hours trying to build my own PC. However, I will be going to him to build a new one for my home-studio.

If you want to call Steve and see what he can do for you, click this link and you’ll be redirected to his website and dial the number on the screen. (BTW, you’ll be getting a warranty that not even building a PC yourself could beat. PLUS you can pay a fraction up front and pay off your build over 60 days. If I were you, I’d take advantage of what I didn’t have many years ago)

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